A replacement system providing oil free compressed air for a food production company.
Using bespoke software to analyse the energy usage of the customer’s existing compressors, Mattei Compressors Ltd was able to identify significant energy savings by replacing outdated, oversized inefficient oil free reciprocating compressors.

Mattei compressed air system installation at food production facility
Mattei supplied its highly energy efficient Maxima 75 rotary vane compressor as the baseload machine, combined with its latest development, the RVX90i variable speed compressor to cover the peaks and troughs in demand. This combination provides unrivalled energy efficiency and lowered the maintenance costs considerably.
In addition, Mattei’s latest integrated compressor management system, Maestro XC, gives both the user and service provider the opportunity to remotely monitor and control these compressors as well as any other make and model that may be in use. Maestro XC provides both visual and logged data for the key parameters of the compressor.
Oil Free Air is now achieved through the installation of a bank of energy efficient zero purge desiccant dryers fitted with pre and after filters.